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Intuitive Insights And Inspiration To Encourage Open-Minded, Open-Hearted Curiosity About Just How Powerful Your Innate Potential Really Is...And A Slight Nudge To Get Out Of Your Own Way
This five-part series offers insights and actionable guidance to transform "Surrender" from a control-freaks nightmare into the Active and Courageous Co-Creation of your Soul's Deepest Desires.
Soulful Surrender
Enjoy the video versions of the weekly, mostly interview-style podcast. Sprinkled with a few Lisa-solos added in, this podcast honors the Scenic Route of the Soul.
Dirt Road Divinity
Often plucked from the pages of her journal or guidance in meditation, the insights in these videos seek to remind you that you are loved, you are worthy, and you are far wiser and more powerful than you may believe.
Inspiration from Lisa
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